
Madalena Vietoris

The men took the war away
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Yes, my God, I was realistic enough to tell me if it does not fit the absolute maximum, then .. Then prefer to stay alone. And there are really too few men have been in our generation. There are so and so not many come back. And if you look in our graduation class because, I believe, remained third single. And that was not as special as today. Today, an unmarried woman - yes - then stop otherwise she lives with a partner. But the time was not something special. And even with the previous generation of my aunts, who were all unmarried. There was the same situation. As the men from the First World War did not return. Since there are many unmarried women. And I've always seen what have you for a fulfilling life. At home you have always enjoyed a certain security, and yet I was free. When I was working, I had to not take care of my parents.